Sunday, November 18, 2007



Bartoletti, Susan Campbell. 2005. HITLER YOUTH: GROWING UP IN HITLER'S SHADOW. New York, NY: Scholastic. ISBN 0439353793


Susan Campbell Bartoletti chronicles the lives of thirteen children of Germany who grew up under the reign of Adolph Hitler. As Hitler came to power he realized that targeting the youth of the country with his propaganda would build a loyal following. As the children grew into young adults who could be used in various capacities bring about his goals for ridding Germany, and the world, of those he viewed as inferior. Not only could he control the children, but he could utilize them to control their parents as well.

Bartoletti uses the voices and personal experience of the actual youth through chronicling their memories to show the progression of the time period. Young readers are sure to feel as if they are reliving the terror along with the impressionable youth featured in the book. The impact of learning from the children who were the targets of Hitler's schemes and the forgotten victims of the Nazi propaganda machine is haunting. The author visits the pivotal points of the Nazi reign through the eyes of these children in a way that gives new insight into how one man can come to control so many.

CRITICAL ANALYSISThe author uses personal narratives and storytelling techniques combined to recount a terrible time in the history of the world. As the book unfolds so does the understanding of how Hitler was able to influence so many to carry out his evil plan. This chapter book should be reserved for older children as much of the content is not appropriate for little ones. The historical photos which accompany the text are a part of the telling of the accounts of the children featured. An epilogue at the end of the book continues to trace the effects of the Hitler Youth on the lives of the now grown children today providing an added layer of depth.The author demonstrates accuracy of the information presented in the book through extensive addendum to the book. These include: a time line, an Author's Note, About the Photographs notation, Quote Sources, Bibliography, Acknowledgements and Index. I recommend listening to this book on a tape, MP3 or CD. The reader, Kathrin Kana uses expressive reading which takes on new insight in the telling.


Publishers Weekly. (May 2005) "Powerful black-and-white photographs testify to the lure and also the cruelty of the Nazis. Bartoletti's portrait of individuals within the Hitler Youth who failed to realize that they served "a mass murderer" is convincing, and while it does not excuse the atrocities, it certainly will allow readers to comprehend the circumstances that led to the formation of Hitler's youngest zealots."

School Library Journal. (June 2005) "The final chapter superbly summarizes the weighty significance of this part of the 20th century and challenges young readers to prevent history from repeating itself. Bartoletti lets many of the subjects' words, emotions, and deeds speak for themselves, bringing them together clearly to tell this story unlike anyone else has."

Kirkus Reviews. (April 2005) "Case studies of actual participants root the work in specifics, and clear prose, thorough documentation and an attractive format with well-chosen archival photographs make this nonfiction writing at its best. Essential for WWII collections as well as teaching units on conformity, peer pressure and resistance. Superb."

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